毎年恒例、横田基地のハワイアンサークル”Sons of Hawaii” との合同ミッションで神奈川県立こども医療センターに出撃しました。
ロビーでは横田基地のPACAF BANDのRyuさんがギター演奏と一緒にグリーティングをし、外来患者さんたちと触れ合いました。
https://sokids.org/ja/what-we-do/hospit … lity-dogs/
We went on our annual joint mission with the “Sons of Hawaii”, a Hawaiian circle at Yokota Air Base, to Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center.
We visited the hospital wards and staff rooms, and presented toys and snacks donated by the Yokota Air Base personnel.
The measures to prevent the transmission of COVID 19 have been greatly eased, and this time we were able to go inside some of the wards and meet many children and their families.
In the lobby, Ryu from Yokota Air Base’s PACAF BAND played guitar and did a meet and greet with outpatients.
On the way, we also met Annie, a facility dog. She gave everyone a cute, smiling face.
Facility dogs are medical staff dogs professionally trained for “animal-assisted therapy,” which is a form of treatment, and they accompany the anxious feelings of sick children and provide comfort to their families and staff.
There are still only four hospitals in Japan where Facility Dogs belong.
https://sokids.org/ja/what-we-do/hospit … lity-dogs/
This is the 11th time this event has been held and we have been participating since 2017. We hope to continue our visits in the future.
TB11619, TK19580, SL19758, ID39501
#501st #501stJapaneseGarrison #BadGuysDoingGood #BadGirlsDoingGood