
【出撃レポート】2023年10月21日 Kadena Fall Community Festival

【出撃レポート】2023年10月21日 Kadena Fall Community Festival

沖縄県嘉手納基地内で開催された、Kadena Fall Community Festivalに出撃しました。
嘉手納基地の第18飛行隊は、屈強な第501部隊とミステリアスなマンド・マー クスとのスリリングなコラボレーションを演出しました。
スター・ウォーズをテーマにした “Use the Force with Grogu “ゲームを想像してみてください。

The 18th Wing on Kadena Air Force Base orchestrated a thrilling collaboration between the formidable 501st and the enigmatic Mando Mercs at their Kadena Fall Community Festival.
A staggering 3,200 enthusiastic guests descended upon the festival, transforming an ordinary afternoon into a dazzling spectacle of Halloween-inspired games and activities. The best part? It was all absolutely free!
Imagine a Star Wars-themed “Use the Force with Grogu” game, where participants delved into the mystique of the Force itself. With bated breath, they selected miniature helmets, and inside each lay a hidden treasure, a prize as unique as their destiny.
Attendees reveled in the chance to rub shoulders with the iconic 501st, the enigmatic Mando Mercs, and the lovable R2-D2. Laughter and joy resonated throughout the event, leaving behind a galaxy full of Star Wars smiles.
The Kadena Fall Community Festival was more than just an event; it was an interstellar adventure that united fans of all ages. With memories made, and the Force running strong, this was a day etched in the stars.

TK6446, TA35330, TR42724, ST50011
#501st #501stlegion #501stJapaneseGaerison