
【出撃レポート】東京コミコン2022 : 11/24 Press Day

【出撃レポート】東京コミコン2022 : 11/24 Press Day

この日のブースの活動は、CRLクイズゲーム、Trooper Target Training Schoolの活動、来場者との写真撮影などでした。

The 24th was mainly for the press with various media outlets covering the event.
Our troops prepared for the meet & greet at 14:00 and others were stationed at our booth. Booth activities for the day included the CRL quiz game, Trooper Target Training School activity and photos with visitors.
Roughly 9 members were deployed for the press day mission.

TB2202, TB11619, SL19758, DZ25258, TX31103, SL39501, TK77712, TK87277
Support: 8315, 21211, 42114 

#501st #501stLegion #501stJapaneseGarrison #東京コミコン2022 #tokyocomiccon