


スター・ウォーズ スカイウォーカーサーガも完結し、新たな時代に進む今、部隊のシンボルマークを新たなデザインに更新します。
私たちは故郷である日本で愛すべきスター・ウォーズ文化と常に共にあるという事と、我々の指標でもあるBad guys doing goodの精神を継承していくという想いを込めました。

It is The 501st Japanese Garrison’s 20th anniversary this year.
Now that the Star Wars Skywalker saga is complete and we are moving into a new era, we are updating our logo with a new design.
The current design is a second generation one, made 10 years ago. It was a very popular design not only with ourselves but also with 501st members all over the world the last 10 years.
We will start the next era under a new symbol to mark the end of 10 years.
We want to keep the spirit of “Bad Guys Doing Good” that is our benchmark and that we will be with our beloved Star Wars culture in our home country of Japan always.
The new design will be announced soon.
Don’t miss it!